Sunday, September 9, 2007

Girls Day OUT!

Well, it's another weekend that is ending. We had a great time! Larry & Austin went to meet up with friends in Frankfort, KY. Anna and I spent the day together. First we got up and watched Mickey Mouse Club house (that's her new favorite show) along with a few other cartoons. Then we went to her friend Megan's birthday party. She had a blast there pinning the tail on the donkey and hanging out with her friends. Then we went shopping and out to eat, came home put together her new puzzle and watched more cartoons. Last we put curlers in her hair so today she looks like Shirley temple! LOL Well, another great weekend for the Tennant Family!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor day weekend!

Well, it has been a great Holiday weekend. It started a little early with a totally awesome concert on Thursday. Me, my mom and some friends went to see Nickelback. It was nice to let your hair down. It made me feel young again. Not that I am old but it was kinda of like my first concert felt like a teenager! :) Of course, reality set in at 5:00 in the morning when I had to get up and go to work. Not to mention a trip to the dentist! :)

We had a wonderful remainder Holiday weekend. Spent it with the Family with the exception of Austin. He spent the weekend with Granny. Saturday we laid around and then went shopping, had dinner at the local Mexican resturant. Anna and I love mexican. Then went shopping. Sunday we decided we would do NOTHING!! IT WAS SOO FUN & RELAXING. Today we went to grannies to get Austin. Spent some time with her. We took the scenic route, drove the back roads. It was nice. What a wonderful weekend. I love my family.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Well, as some may now Austin is 13 now! He is having some friends over today. About 4 teenage boys! WOW Lucky for me I am in charge of making sure Anna doesn't bother them. LOL So today we are going to go shopping. Then off to Sandi to help her with some of her moving. Larry is going to take the boys bowling they should have fun. Of course, Austin is not doing too great this morning. I made him get up early to make sure the house was good and clean before his friends come over. He didn't go to bed until after 1:00, he was up watching his new dvd's Anna got him for his B-day. Well, that's it for today. I will post again tomorrow when it is all over! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007


So what is up girlfriends? That is Anna's new game. She loves playing girlfriend. LOL She is of course adorable. Everyday I must play girlfriend. She and I are girlfriends. I always have to stay at her house. We have to sleep on the floor, we have to talk about what we did today. We have to pretend to go shopping, put on make up and nail polish. The whole girlfriend thing. :)

Monday, August 20, 2007


I saw a friend of mine with a blog page and I said hey that's cool. Let me try so here I am. Right now I am so mad at the car dealer Larry got his truck from! They blew up the motor in the truck and now they do not want to give me a new warrenty on the motor. What I don't think so. I had to go down today and give them heck!! So they are working on it for me.

My kids are growing up so fast. Austin just turned 13 on Saturday. I can not believe it next year he will be in high school. I remember when he was just a small baby. He was born 6 weeks early and was only 5lb 6 oz. He was such a great baby. So sweet and no trouble at all. Now he is about 5'6 and he is still skinny but soo big! Getting in to girls, not doing homework and giving me heck!!! Oh the time flies by.

Let me give a quick update on Anna and I will get off this computer. Anna is a very smart little 3 year old. She already nows her ABC's, how to count to 15, a lot of her alphas by letters, how to write her name, her address and much much more. She is totally different than Austin. Where Austin is sweet and loves others. He would do anything for anyone. Anna is well sweet in her own way and loves herself. She loves to talk and sing. There is never a quite moment when she is up! :)

Ok check back I will have more soon!